University of Virginia   
Part I  |  Part II  |  Part III 

Lesson 3

Part 3: Can you do these exercises? Give it a try.
4. Some of the phrases in the following sentences are in the wrong order, correct the mistake by retyping each sentence in the box.
1. 我們了清蒸魚和芥蘭牛肉﹐老闆說一刻鐘上菜。
2. 把菠菜或白菜和豆腐放在一起做 素菜湯﹐味道湯的新鮮
3. 多吃鹽不好清蒸魚﹐但做時鹽放少了﹐魚又不
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2000 by the University of Virginia Chinese Language Program