University of Virginia   
Part I  |  Part II  |  Part III 

Lesson 6

Part 2: Do you know the sound, shape, and meaning of these words?

Group 1Group 2  Group 3 Group 4 Group 5

Group 1:
(Listening to the audio and write the characters and their English meaning in the box.)

Click to hear audio  Character Meaning

(Read the characters and their English meaning, and then write the pinyin in the box.)      e.g. 早安 = zao3 an1

Character Meaning Pinyin

開玩笑 joke around    
disturb; make a noise    
睡不好覺 not able to sleep well    

Group 1 Group 2  Group 3  Group 4  Group 5
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2000 by the University of Virginia Chinese Language Program