At first many people were wondering why I was taking Chinese when I was already a bilingual. I was also asking myself whether I should take the class or not. It was a four-credit course that required going to class everyday and since it was a language course, the work load would most likely be pretty heavy. I was having doubts to whether I would do well in class and be able to catch up with assignments. I went to the first day of class with a nervous heart. Needless to say it was quite shocking for me the first day, Tseng Laoshi started to speak in Chinese really fast and told us to write down whatever we could possibly understand! I remember feeling upset in stomach not being able to do what she's asking for. But when I looked around and saw puzzled look on everyone else, I felt little better. Shortly I understood that it was only to sort out those who already knew Chinese a bit. I later realized that it was only for our benefit, those who knew absolutely nothing about Chinese. She explained what we were expected to do; our weekly assignments, oral performance and quiz! I felt overwhelmed then, yet I believe now that those consistent assessments and a very demanding professor are what brought the Chinese 101, 102 classes to this point. I have truly enjoyed learning Chinese and getting know more about Chinese culture and people. I give the credit to our wonderful professor Tseng Laoshi, she has been patient with me and with all those questions I have asked. I wish I could learn from her again next year again, but I feel confident that I will be fine as long as I follow the "Tseng Laoshi training." Thank you Tseng Laoshi~! You have opened my eyes to the world outside of Korea and US. I will continue to study Chinese. I thank you for the solid foundation you have prepared for us.