About the electronic version:
Title: Gu Yao Yan
Author: Unknown
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©1998 by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia






A song sung by Xi Wang Mu ("western king mother," a supposedly mythological figure) forEmperor Mu. The words express the long distance that he had to travel in order to visit her.





A song sung by Emperor Mu in reply to Xi Wang Mu's song in the previous item. The words saythat he would do a good job governing the entire country and making people happy. He wouldcome back in three years to visit her.






A verse made by Emperor Mu when he traveled west to see the territory he reigned. Heexpressed his concerns for his people and realized that people would wish for him to do a goodjob.



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A song sung by Emperor Mu's musician. The words are praising Emperor's Mu's majesticradiance and wishing him a long life.



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We go to work when the sun rises and quit work when the sun sets. We dig our own well fordrinking water and we grow our own food. In no way is the emperor's power constricting us.




A children's song from Tai Yuan where the first emperor of Tang dynasty originated. The wordsgo like this : as long as the law exists, there will be morality. The emperor goes on ships on theEastern Sea.




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A song about a peach garden and plums. Tang emperor's surname is Li, which literally meansplum. This song predicted the coming to power of the Li family. People were amazed that whatthe song was hinting at should come true.










A song sung by a nun concerning what China would become.




If one should have stupid sons, then one does not ever have to worry about them getting intotrouble with the government, as they could not possibly be in any government posts.



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The emperor would run off the court when the constellation was in certain arrangement.




A wolf is afraid of giving birth to a son who has the character of a lamb. A proverb referred to byTang Emperor Tai concerning his crown prince, Zhi whose character was too weak.




If one is married to a princess, it is like trying to have more trouble with the government.




A rumor predicting the uprising of a warlord holding a gold saber in the east.




In the country, Yang Zhou (equivalent to a state) is the most prosperous and Yi Zhou is next tothat.




When one meets an opponent with equal competence in a chess game, it is hard to hide anysecret skills.




When one is having good fortune, one's mind tends to be clear. When one is struck by a disaster,one's mind tends to be muddled.




Words said during the Shao Ding era of Song's Emperor Li. It says that the emperor's chiefadvisor is sick in bed and the emperor himself is too drunk to do anything. These words, ofcourse, were said very indirectly.




Words said by people about five court officials who were only good at pleasing the emperorrather than at doing any good work.




Words said by two people who mourned a couple who hanged themselves because of the end ofthe Song dynasty.




Words said in the capital city about Buo Yan who was an official of Song yet surrendered to thenew Yuan dynasty. The words go like this: He lies to the emperor and abuses people under him.He is relying on his close relationship with the emperor's grandmother.




Words referring to the failed attempt of the emperor's chief advisor, Tuo Tuo, to dig up a canal in the capital city.





A song sung by people of Jiang Xi concerning the bandits and the government troops who weredispatched to eliminate the bandits. The words go like this : It is not too bad when the banditscome, but when the government troops come, we could die easily and everyone no longer has apeaceful life.




A song sung by people of Guang Xi about one section of a river gorge in which the bandits got together and stood on the hills overlooking the boats going by, then robbed and killed the travelers.




When one tries to put out a fire, one should not give the fire more wind to burn higher.




Words referring to the major population groups with the family names of Tian, Yang, Chen and Huang in southwestern and southern China.




Of all the bloody strife between brothers, Yang You and Yang Ai had the worst case.




The feud among the groups of Miao people can be extended to nine generations.




Words referring to some tribal groups in Southern China whose people are violent and takepleasure in bloody conflicts.



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In Guang Dong and Guang Xi, there is constantly warfare between the Chinese with neighboringtribal groups.



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Two songs sung by people in the capital city during Ming Emperor Cong Zhen's reign (the last emperor of Ming), indicating that the emperor has used the wrong person as his chief advisor.




One cannon shot killed two bandits leaders. Words said by people of Lu Zhou about Xu Huan Qie who lit up the cannon in Lu Zhou when bandits were attacking the place.




Words said by people of Su Chuan about Chen Shi Qi, who was the superintendent of the school system. Under his management, even poor people got to attend the schools.




A song sung by people in the capital city for Liu Mao, who had proposed some policyconcerning the government system which resulted in the creation of more bandits.




When the world is going to have unrest because of rebels, we see smoke first. The smoke refersto a kind of fire therapy used for healing. Smoke therapy seems to be in vogue everytime there isa major unrest.



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Zhang Liang Chen who had a golden shield is not to be feared; it is his seven god sons who usedspears who should be feared.




A song sung by an oil vendor about how to eliminate different factions of a warlord's followersby using internal strife to make them kill each other.