Marie Bersamin
INTRODUCTION This class has been one of the best classes I have taken at UVa. It is also probably my favorite class this semester. Even though there was so much work to do in this class, I am glad I learned an amount proportionate to my efforts. I cannot really say that for some other classes I have taken. I think that Tseng Laoshi is a great teacher. She is very organized and is very empathetic to her students’ needs. I also love the section I am in (section 2). I never laughed so much in a class and still learned. You guys are tai hao le! I am going to miss you guys next semester. My Most Excellent Work 1. Lesson 6- Making Appointments 2. Lesson 5- Visiting Friends 3. Lesson 2- Family Although all of my passages were good, these three lessons stick out the most. I feel that Lesson 6 was the best in content. I made a few grammatical mistakes, but that was because we had not learned those structures yet. I tried to use as many words as I could possibly fit. I also tried to make my dialogues humorous and interesting. My partner, Rick, is great to work with. He did not care if he got joked on or made fun of in some way. We made the whole class laugh, even Tseng laoshi. Lesson 5 was our first narrative, and in my opinion, was harder to write. I was surprised that I only had one mistake and I was very proud. This narrative also made the class laugh, so I was happy with that. Lesson 2 was probably the passage with the best grammar. Since it was only Lesson 2, we had not learned much, so it would be likely to make a lot of grammatical mistakes. To my surprise, the only mistake on my paper was the way I had written a character. Even though the content was not as good as the other two passages’, it was good at the time we learned it. Self-Introduction: Image File NJ Star File Audio File Making Appointments: Image file NJ Star File Audio File Visiting Friends: Image file NJ Star File Audio File Family: Image file NJ Star File Audio File