This web site aims to introduce a groundbreaking student-centered web project accomplished by non-heritage Elementary Chinese learners at the University of Virginia. It demonstrates how the instructor, Dr. Miao-Fen Tseng, and the students worked collaboratively in the entire learning process leading to a fruitful result. The purposes of the students' publications are:
Students' publications on this website include the following specific areas:
To complete this project, students followed step-by-step instructions given by the instructor as described below.
Although this web site was originally developed for UVA's elementary Chinese learners, it can also extend to "Integrated Chinese" textbook users in particular, and other textbook users in general. In an attempt to providing a complete series of supplementary materials that cover topics frequently taught at elementary level, this on-going project will continue to collect additional works created by learners who take Elementary Chinese in future semesters. The development of this web project would not have been possible without students' enthusiastic participation, and technical assistance from Alderman Library and the Arts and Sciences Language Lab. Special thanks should be given to the East Asian Center and the Arts and Sciences Language Lab, from where the funding was granted. |
Our website is divided into several sections and can be navigated using the links below: Instructor Tseng's Reflections and Preface Spring 2000 Students' Preface and Chinese Publications Fall 2000 Students' Preface and Chinese Publications Fall 2001 - Spring 2002 Students' Reflections and Chinese Publications Exemplary Works You can also view the following related webpages: UVA Chinese Language and Literature University of Virginia Homepage You can also use the search engine below to navigate our site:
Created and edited by: Chike Dellimore B.A.
Last Modified on June 10, 2002 by Yu-Ling Lin