Rick Carrol
INTRODUCTION This class has without a doubt become one of my favorites at the University, even though I did not expect to enjoy it as much as the classes for my major. I enjoy both the content of the material and the small class environment immensely. Although it requires a lot of time, not only on occasional nights, but every day, it has been well worth the extra effort. I find myself learning each week’s lesson more quickly than the last, and am now able to recall the Chinese characters with much more ease. One of the most useful benefits of the class is that it seems to have increased my memorizations skills- not only do I recall the Chinese characters without any problems, but I also seem to now remember everything in my other classes with much less effort. My Most Excellent Work 1. Lesson 5- Visiting Friends 2. Lesson 4- Hobbies 3. Lesson 8- School Life The three essays I have listed above are my favorites among the dialogues and narratives that we have written in Chinese 101. I feel that Lesson 5 was the best narrative I wrote this semester, and allowed me to master the sentence structures we had learned in the preceding weeks. Lesson 4 forced me to not only learn, but to master the vocabulary of the chapter. It seems that I use the characters memorized in this lesson more than those from any others thus far. Lesson 8 was the most difficult narrative for me to write because it contained so many new grammatical structures that I had to take into account. However, upon its correction by Tseng laoshi, I feel that it is one of my best works. Self-Introduction: Image File NJ Star File Audio File Visiting Friends: Image file NJ Star File Audio File Family: Image file NJ Star File Audio File Making Appointments: Image file NJ Star File Audio File