Jeanna Chang


Even though this class required very hard work and a lot of effort, I had 
fun learning Chinese. Tseng laoshi made the learning environment very fun 
and enjoyable. She was always punctual and generous about the grades. Even 
though we had to attend the class everyday, it was fun rather than boring. 
The hardest thing about the class was that there was a lot of homework and 
quizzes every week. Also, memorizing characters just killed me many times. 
Other than those things, Chinese class was fun and interesting. I hope that 
after I take some more Chinese classes I will be able to communicate with 
native Chinese people.

My Most Excellent Work

1.	Lesson 3- Dates and Time
2.	Lesson 7- Studying Chinese
3.	Lesson8- School Life

I think that my passage for Lesson 3 had not many grammatical mistakes 
compared to other passages I created. I used new vocabulary to make the 
learning more challenging. In Lesson 7, I created a dialogue as if I were 
the protagonist in a story about a good-looking guy helping a girl learn 
Chinese. The girl is happy not only because he helps her learn, but also 
because he is good-looking. In Lesson 8, I feel that even though the content 
was not very interesting, the passage was more developed through usage of 
complicated grammar and vocabulary.

Self-Introduction:         Image File      NJ Star File     Audio File	
Dates and Time:            Image file      NJ Star File     Audio File
Studying Chinese:          Image file      NJ Star File     Audio File
School Life:               Image file      NJ Star File     Audio File