Neil Currie
INTRODUCTION Chinese 101 is the greatest language course I have ever taken! In three months I went from not knowing a single word in Chinese- not even ‘hello’ or ‘goodbye’- to feeling like I can carry on a conversation, write, read and to some degree, listen and understand. The course has required a lot of time and effort, but I feel that it was worth it in the end. The hardest thing about the class, apart from the time it takes to do all the work and study for the quizzes, is the memorization. At first, I found it difficult to memorize the meanings and pronunciations of all of the characters. I tried flash cards, I tried copying out all the characters over and over again, and it eventually became less difficult for me. I will never forget the people that were in Chinese 101 with me this fall and all the laughs we had together. My Most Excellent Work 1. Lesson 2- Family 2. Lesson 4- Hobbies 3. Lesson 8- School Life These are the three written works I feel best represent my progress this semester. The first dialogue contains very little vocabulary but is well written and a little creative. It is my most excellent work because it reflects the tremendous progress I made in the first three weeks of class. The second dialogue contains more vocabulary words and is more creative. The last one reflects how much my vocabulary and grammar improved over the semester, though it is perhaps not as creative and fun. The topics of the three works follow the topics of the lessons they were written for: Family, Hobbies, and School Life, respectively. Self-Introduction: Image File NJ Star File Audio File Family: Image file NJ Star File Audio File Hobbies: Image file NJ Star File Audio File School Life: Image file NJ Star File Audio File