Chris Manteuffel
INTRODUCTION I have never been very good at languages. Somehow the language functions of my brain are not as well developed as other parts of my brain, even in English. I took four years of German in high school and never learned much. I took Chinese because I thought it would be fun. I did not expect to learn much. When I actually got in Chinese class, I was amazed at the pace with which it moved. We learned a lot quickly. I was also surprised at how much Chinese I learned. I still have serious problems with pronunciation and grammar, but I have some good vocabulary down. I found that working with my native speaking friend helped a lot. Finding a native speaker to help them study is something I would recommend to everyone. My Most Excellent Work 1. Lesson 4- Hobbies 2. Lesson 6- Making Appointments 3. Lesson 7- Studying Chinese I chose the Lesson 4 dialogue because I liked it a lot. It had correct grammar (always a challenge for me) and used the new vocabulary. I had originally planned to say that I played women’s soccer, but I chickened out at the last minute and changed it to just say soccer. The grammar about women’s soccer had many mistakes though, so I do not feel bad about chickening out. The Lesson 6 dialogue was the one I made the least mistakes on, so I had to include it for that reason alone. Our Lesson 7 dialogue I liked because I got to imitate Tseng laoshi and because we introduced something new into our dialogue: simulated vocabulary practice. We did not convey it as well as we might have, but everyone figured it out in the end. Self-Introduction: Image File NJ Star File Audio File Hobbies: Image file NJ Star File Audio File Making Appointments: Image file NJ Star File Audio File Studying Chinese: Image file NJ Star File Audio File