Jessica Somers


Recalling how much I had enjoyed taking Mandarin earlier in my 
life, and realizing that Chinese is one of the most important and 
commonly spoken languages in the world, I enrolled in Chinese 101. 
While I knew that introductory language courses were very rigorous, 
I was still surprised by the fast pace and intense practice that 
the course required. While comfortable with pronunciation and the 
four tones, the course demanded a lot of time outside of the 
classroom, practicing grammatical structures and memorizing hundreds 
of characters. While rigorous, the small class size and many 
exercises working with partners and in small groups made the material 
much easier to grasp. The small class size also let us all get to 
know each other better so that while class was challenging, it was 
also fun.

My Most Excellent Work

1.	Lesson 3- Dates and Time
2.	Lesson 6- Making Appointments
3.	Lesson 8- School Life

I chose these three works as a representation of the progress I made 
during my first semester of Chinese 101. Lesson 3 introduced many 
of the most important and basic phrases and words used in Chinese 
for daily conversation and are therefore very important and useful. 
Lesson 6 is interesting because it uses the Chinese names my partner 
and I were given. I chose Lesson 8 as a representative of a narrative 
that I wrote for class. Unlike a dialogue, the narrative requires 
longer sentences with fluidity to connect the passage.

Self-Introduction:         Image File      NJ Star File     Audio File	
Dates and Times:           Image file      NJ Star File     Audio File
Making Appointments:       Image file      NJ Star File     Audio File
School Life:               Image file      NJ Star File     Audio File