Hong Truong
INTRODUCTION The Chinese101 class at the University of Virginia is a unique and interesting class to take. The effort you put into the course will be reflected in your grade and in your performance in class. Since the course is five days a week, the class requires constant study and practice. Although this may seem troublesome to take a class five days a week, studying Chinese (or any other language) requires continuous practice and study for mastery of the language. The course is sort of a bittersweet course where you will find yourself with a considerable amount of homework each night. However, the cliché goes, "No pain, no gain." The sweet reward to the challenging course is the outcome in the end. Just in a matter of weeks, we found ourselves able to create narrative passages about hobbies and daily life. We were amazed at the number of characters we had memorized by the mid-term exam. My classmates seemed to have a very relaxed and humorous nature that made the class even more enjoyable than any other class. Our teacher was a great and caring teacher who really keeps the class’s attention. She understands that college students have tons of other schoolwork and now and then will ease off a bit, but we still learn a lot in our little generous breaks. So far, this is the only class I can stay awake in, even if I am running on three hours of sleep. If you wish to learn Chinese, it’s a wonderful language to learn. Taking Chinese 101 is a highly recommended option by me. My Most Excellent Work 1. Lesson 1- Greetings 2. Lesson 2- Family 3. Lesson 5- Visiting Friends I found that these three lessons were the most helpful and useful in striking up a conversation with native speakers. Lesson 1, although simple in content, is the most useful. Lesson 1 focuses on greetings, which are very useful in breaking the ice in a conversation. Lesson 2 teaches us how to ask if a certain object belongs to a certain someone and also teaches new structures for asking about someone’s occupation. Lesson 5 was a great lesson to use while visiting a Chinese home. Overall, all the lessons that we learned were useful, but to merely just pick three lessons, these three were my choices. All the lessons had their own theme on grammar and structure, regardless of topic. A lesson’s grammar is essentially the most important aspect of the lesson. Self-Introduction: Image File NJ Star File Audio File Greetings: Image file NJ Star File Audio File Family: Image file NJ Star File Audio File Visiting Friends: Image file NJ Star File Audio File