Mark Mellinger


Chinese is not a very difficult language to learn, but it is extremely time-consuming 
because of the amount of memorization required by the use of distinct characters.  Because 
of this, CHIN 101 & 102 were very intense classes.  Miao-Fen Tseng, the teacher for both 
classes, did an excellent job of preparing students each week for learning new characters.  
For those with only an English or European language background, Chinese is especially 
difficult.  Learning how to pronounce Chinese and incorporate abstract symbols into the 
language mindframe are both tasks of Herculean proportions.  Given these difficulties, 
students in CHIN 101 & 102 put forth much effort and were somewhat successful in dipping 
into this difficult language.  

My Most Excellent Work: 1) Seeing a Doctor  2) Sports  3) Travel

Of all of the written assignments, the content of Seeing a Doctor was the most diverse.  
In that dialogue, I attempted more to reach beyond the scope of the textbook’s lesson 
than in any other oral assignment.  Sports and Travel were both written towards the end 
of the semester.  Since they represent almost all of the Chinese I learned during the 
semester, I felt it was needed to include these two dialogues.  

Self-Introduction:    Image File	  NJ Star File      Audio File
Travel:               Image File	  NJ Star File      Audio File
Renting an Apt:       Image File	  NJ Star File      Audio File
Dating:               Image File	  NJ Star File      Audio File