The publications created by the students in our class are divided into three sections,
arranged alphabetically by surname:
Students' A-E Students' F-M Students' N-Z PLEASE NOTE: For each student publication, there are three files-an image file of the traditional chinese characters, a NJ Star file and an audio MPEG file. If you wish to open the Big5 NJ Star files, please use Microsoft Internet Explorer and select "open" file. If you are unfamiliar with using NJ Star please click the below link for an NJ Star tutorial. NJ Star Tutorial


The following is a student preface written by Paul Vo on behalf of his peers in the Fall 2000 class of Elementary Chinese: This website is a presentation of selected works by the Fall 2000 class of Elementary Chinese at the University of Virginia. With the aide of the files available here, this website will be a useful learning tool for future Elementary Chinese (CHIN 101 & 102) students at the University of Virginia, as well as elementary Chinese learners everywhere, in particular those using the Integrated Chinese curriculum. The narratives and dialogues created by the 40 students under Tseng Laoshi�s instruction indicate proficiency in the basic principles of the language. Due to the tonal nature of the language, it required tremendous effort and perseverance to master the tones used in Chinese. Through the help of elite instructors, pronunciation tutorials, and the latest technology available (provided by the University�s Language Lab), we are able to provide supplementary materials for listening comprehension preserved on the Internet. These high quality audio recordings performed by the students themselves will be readily available on any student�s home computer or in any computer lab. It is our hope that this website will encourage future students to explore the Chinese language.

We would also like to thank Tseng Laoshi for her guidance, patience, and dedication. She
is an asset to the University, as well as to the teaching profession. This website is a
testament to her tremendous effort and expertise. Indeed, it has been an honor and
privilege to attend one of the most elite Chinese curriculums available in the United States.

"The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by
dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again,
who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause;
who at best, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at
least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and
timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." -Theodore Roosevelt

	Here is a picture of our lovely TA, I-Hwey Deirdra Wu.  Our success can be traced
heavily to the efforts that she gave to our class.  Thank you so much!